Wednesday, March 4, 2009

In demand

My life is that of a casual player. I have things going on in life that I place above the game. So naturally, this leaves to me taking a few days off at a time from the game.

So I am flattered by the guild I belong to, because they actually act like they care if I am away for a any period of time. Not to say the old guilds I've been in didn't care, but this guild actually asks if I'm all right and that I was missed and most important that they needed me or could have used me.

As a tank you have to thrive on being needed. If not your opportunity to gear yourself with reliable people in tow is seriously diminished. If a guild isn't asking your to tank, there may be something wrong. Are you pursuing your correct gear path? Are you doing a poor job? Are you missing out? If you are in a guild and you feel some kind of doubt - ASK!

Never feel foolish to ask questions. I still ask Posolutley (another warrior tank in the guild) questions I know the answers to. It is his perspective and our discussion that allows information, understanding, and education to be presented from the viewpoints of at least two tanks in our guild. I mean sometimes I could just gab for hours about the item budget of hit and expertise. No doubt Pos (for short) is more than glad to humor me further on the topic.

Once you've made an effort to get to know people that play your class or role, things only get better. Pretty soon, you and that other tank will be just smashin and bashin' right through Naxx and never bat an eye. He knows what your doing, and you know what he's doing. You know how he's geared, he knows how your geared. When synergy and synchronicity between tanks occur, the end result is smooth pulls, fast kills, and faster loots.

Try to be that tank that people say "Gee I wish we could take _____ through here! He's/She's awesome!"

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